Wednesday, 24 November 2010

Final Aims, Objectives, and Activities:

Aims, Objectives, and Activities:

1. Objective:
To research all appropriate formats for my project;

1.1: Investigate existing and future technologies that would enhance the emotional response.
1.2: Look at virtual reality technology, and how this can enhance emotional engagement.
1.3: Investigate my project idea considering Project Natal, Game, and Animation formats.

2. Objective:
Determine what facial and body rigs to use for my characters.

2.1: Investigate all resources available to me.
2.2: Identify the different types of body and facial rigs.
2.3: Investigate the type of facial rig I can have. (Blend Shape or Bones)
2.4: Compare what body rigs would be best to use.
2.5: Edit the rig in preparation of attaching it to my character(s).

3. Objective:
Investigate various Styles that would be suitable for my characters appropriate to my chosen genre/theme, before developing my characters.

3.1: Identify historical and contemporary influences from different areas of design. (Sketchbook #1)
3.2: Perform Experiments with different mediums using my influences as reference to help decide on my visual style. (Sketchbook #1)
3.3: Break my visual style research into 3 Concepts. (Sketchbook #2)
3.4: Work in series considering basic shape, line, tone, and texture.
3.5: Choose One Concept to develop further. (Sketchbook #2)
3.6: Create a model and expression sheet.

4. Objective:
Produce a script and record narration that will help to communicate the characters emotions.

4.1: Identify Narration and Narrative within existing animation and advertisement messages.
4.2: Investigate how Narration and Narrative can drive the characters emotions.
4.3: Create a Narrated Narrative and gain feedback on it.
4.4: Make any changes needed.
4.5: Record the narration.

5. Objective:
Produce Character Models from development for use within the animation.

5.1: Create a Character Model
5.2: Texture the model
5.3: Attach the pre sourced rig
5.3 Skin, and paint weights

6. Objective:
Investigate advertisement messages and relevant literature that support how to get the best emotional response from my characters;

6.1: Research into past and current advertisement messages along with game and animation focusing on character emotion for use within my dissertation.
6.2: Compare these findings, discuss in online forums
6.3: Start drafting up my dissertation.

7. Objective:
Produce a 2-3 min 3D animation which focuses on character emotion and narrated narrative;

7.1: Pre Production – sketchbook work (character Development) the script, record narration, Storyboards, and animatic.
7.2: Production of the animation
7.3: Rendering of the animation
7.4: Post – Production: Exporting the movie, after effects, and importing the sound and recorded narration.

8. Objective:
Present my project to a professional standard

8.1: Make CD Cover
8.2: Mount up key development and Animation Screenshots
8.3: Bind Dissertation
8.4: Get mounted boards and the animation ready for degree show

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