Wednesday, 3 November 2010

Research Question/ Aims & Objectives (Refined)

Thought of another research question which is slightly different to what I had, but still connected to the same project.

While investigating virtual reality technology, animation, and narrative;

'Can 3D character emotion techniques make an impact within advertisement messages?'

I felt this question is more relevent to my project, and what I want to achieve from it with the time I have.

Aims & Objectives:


Concept Development:

-Rough Concept Ideas from research
-Record Narration
-Working in Series
-Model Sheets
-3D models
-Rigs(pre sourced)
Rough Animatic(this will explain in some visual form of how I think my animation could also be used within the format of project Natal technology)

3-4 min Animation: (The Victim)
-Animatic(rough animation shots/key poses/narration/sound)
-Render(maya software)
-Place the images into editing software (Final Cut Pro or Premire Pro)
-Export to a movie File (avi or mov)

Present Final Project:
-make CD Cover
-mount up key concept development work
-Mount up 3D models

-Project Introduction
-Compare opinions
-Evaluation of project

Now that I have a list of aims and objectives, I will now work on producing the activities to go along with these in more detail.

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